The thursday before the second weekend as always, is a very special day... The ranch is building as people pour in and set-up their campsites for the second weekend. Many regulars skip the first weekend because it's just too hectic and crowded. Camps have been established, everybody has gotten into their routines, the players are comfortable with their campfire schedules, everyone knows who's where, and people aren't scurrying around in a newly born environment. Much less of the "what's going on at what camp" type of questions... And the new people coming in are absorbed into the established routines of the people who are already on "kerrtime"..
Last nights evening concerts were nice, low-key country music affairs. nothing special.. that's a major difference from my previous experiences with the "second thrusday".. Confirmed - jackson browne will be playing at one of the sundown concerts during next week. he will not be playing on mainstage this weekend.
Camp nashville had it's lifebreath jumpstarted last night.. (it's been real quiet so far this year) with the arrival of the "camp mom" (crs on the name.. Linda something). Richard Berman, chris williams, greg cagno, tom payne, cindy greene, mellissa crs, doug crs, the flying monty's (chris williams and crs and crs), and a host of others were soaring through the early night... On the whole, it was an early night, camp coho never got started, and singkerrnicity closed up abut 1:30. Still on the hill (a GREAT bluegrass band from fayettville arkansas) is starting to tour the other camps and spreading their excitement and joy throughout..
As wonderful as the festival has been, the best is yet to come, both in terms of formal mainstage stuff, as well as campfire and community..
John crs from little rock who runs the coffee house there says hello.. he met you at the folk alliance. He's camped just across the street from singkerrnicity..
Chuck brodsky and i spent a wonderful few minutes talking about fathers and sons, baseball (he's a baseball song nut), and how baseball songs tie in.. No peggy, i didn't start crying when we mentioned tom paxton's "my favorite spring" but if tom plays it tonight on mainstage, i'm sure i will...
Brian (Breadman) Wolfsohn http://www.cus.com
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